Synopsis: "A mysterious device designed to provide its owner with eternal life
resurfaces after four hundred years, leaving a trail of destruction in
its path." --IMDb.
Experience: I dug through Guillermo del Toro's filmography and noticed this film on it. It was one of his very first movies he has ever done and directed, written too. Once I read what it was about and saw the trailer for it, I was hooked. I never once got grossed out in any of his movies, so this one took the cake.. or whichever expression you like using, when you cover your face in disgust. Anyways, this one is another version or his vision on eternal life and how to go about it. Very clever how he thought about it and brought it to the screen.. very different from what many other movies of its nature have done. Gore-ish, scary, eye catching, and very well thought out in all the storyline and characters. It is in Spanish, but there are English subtitles or vice versa, but even with or without subtitles you would understand what is going on. If you enjoy his movies, like I do and would like to see his very first one.. then I suggest seeing this one.
Rating: 5/5 stars
Preview: Youtube - Cronos trailer
Links: Cronos - Rotten Tomatoes reviews
Side note: You might be able to get this movie sent to you by Netflix on dvd, for its not available on your streaming device app. I saw it through Youtube itself the whole movie with no wait or pauses or links to another youtube video(s) for completion. Just click here or type "Cronos Pelicula Completa" (aka Cronos complete movie) on Youtube site browser. This is also the first time Guillermo del Toro worked with Ron Perlman. They later on work together again for Hell Boy movies.
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