"The Windy City"
It's true that it should be called that. Yesterday was nice weather out and around the 70s, but today it totally dropped to the 50s. As I check through the windows in my job, that are right in front of my desk literally, you see nothing but clouds and also wind blowing through the small trees in the neighborhood.

View by my desk.
Looks pretty gloomy doesn't it? Its expected to rain as well, but only sprinkles here or there nothing major so far until the night and into tomorrow. We'll see how things go here and if the predictions of a bad winter this year as well is going to happen.
Lunch is on the house, no wait...a tenant!
So a tenant who lives above our office, has offered to buy everyone lunch today. Hrm, I sure wish it wasn't pushed to today, since I did bring lunch with me lol. I never had chicken from this particular place before, its called "Sharks". Of course, given with the name, they do have fish and any other type of food of that sorts there. I hope it's good and well, worth it I guess. She is a nice lady/tenant and I don't mind offers of that sorts from anyone, but it's got to be for everyone not just me though...or I'll feel bad afterwards lol.
Trendy movies
Now, everyone that knows me quite well, or close enough to that, should know I don't watch trendy movies or movies that EVERYONE love. Prime examples are: "Rocky Horror Picture show", "Halloween" series, "A Clockwork Orange", " Donnie Darko", and etc etc...you get the picture. So basically, I have seen all those listed, but not the entire "Halloween" series....just the first one made in 1978- not the remake mind you. I recently watched it, since its close to it being Halloween and cable/tv tends to follow holidays and whatnot, anyways I saw it....I didn't see what the fuss is about. My brother-in-law is a BIG- no pun intended there lol- fan of the series and well, it was not scary at all. I actually fell asleep quite a few times during it and well, the parts I saw weren't scary at all. I was recommended to see the Rob Zombie remake of it, but I'm not even gona go there.
I don't get into those type of scary movies either and that was my official first time seeing that movie and well that type of movie. I have never seen "Hellraiser", "Friday the 13th" series, "Jason" series, and etc etc. They don't catch my eye and well, its usually the same thing happening over and over in each one of them...I'm sure of it. I like scary movies like "Don't be Afraid of the Dark", "The Orphanage", " The Orphan", "Paranormal Activity" series.....stuff like that. It might confuse you, but it's just the way I am and I don't fall into trends quite easily or not at all, with anything. If you want my reviews on any of these movies mentioned, I'll be glad to spill it out in a blog post or so.
Hopefully it stays as peaceful as it is at the moment here at work, if so...it'll be a good day. Its also quiet in here, which at times its a rarity, but this is because someone's out on grounds. No headaches yet, which is a plus and I hope it stays that way for the whole day *knocks on wood*.
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