Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Boot...

As the title says, I'll start with that story. I got fired yesterday at the end of the work day. Shocker to me and everyone else that was there, heck I didn't even get a feeling of it coming, like I did the last time. Sure I did mistakes and I admit to them, but you learn from them as I did there with any mistake I did there. The speech I was given and  I saw it as, "You're not good with multitasking", plain and simple there. Told her I did my best and well, I guess it wasn't the best that they wanted there. Apparently, I was going to be given more tasks than what I was doing already, but they didn't see me progress with the ones I had already and so I got the boot. I have no regrets of what happened and all, heck I did put my 2 cents during the discussion, but it was no help at all since the decision was final already. Figures in the day I work so hard and multitask my butt off, I get the boot. I had over 3 tasks to do there and finished each one, but yeah I got the boot and heck I even had everything prepared for Pest Control next week....something that was never accomplished before in time and even for the week after- with a clean schedule. Alas, I'm kind of glad I am no longer employed there. Too many tenants were just over-dramatic and thought in the #1 phase, other people just got me to cry or get mad on a daily basis by my desk, and some just wasn't able to be trusted...aka lack of communication. I will miss 3 people in particular there and they know who they are. Heck, I even got a quick job offer from George, the Pest Control guy lol and if he calls me about it, since I did give him my number to keep in touch with, then maybe I'll look into it. Well, that's the story...I said my goodbyes to the people that were there and well, I will be there on Monday to pick some things up and will start looking into unemployment again.


I told myself yesterday after realizing all the hard work I did today and also realizing that I got paid that day, that I was going to reward myself this weekend. I still feel that way, since on my last day, I did work my butt off with lots of tasks. I have yet to think of what to buy myself to reward myself and then I got it, I will wait and save up to get my "Kindle Fire" tablet!! I told myself I deserve it and many other things I deserve, like a vacation. I never once asked for a day off there, everyone else in my family went on vacation except me because of starting that job back in May and well I do deserve some time off....away from places that are considered work/jobs and I just never had a vacation, period. If I can soon, I will take a vacation and I know where already, plus get my reward toy once it hits shelves. I'm glad I'm able to go for Black Friday, even if I was still working there, I was going to have the day off. Anyways, need a vacation and getting my new toy as rewards...hopefully both can happen.


                                                     Banana's not included!!

I was walking through the mall today with my parents and stopped by Baskin' Robbins to get some ice cream, if need to know- the flavor was Rainbow Sherbert lol, but there was store right across from Baskin' Robbins called "Brookstone" and one thing caught my eye there, that monkey. That store is known to be an expensive gadget store and I wondered why they had this type of toy in there and well, it had to be an expensive toy in order for it to be there. So I got curious as to what it does, so I checked it out and well...I fell in love with it lol, but I'm not going to buy it since it is still expensive. You can check it out here and see for yourself lol.

A Clown...

At the mall, my parents and I heard kids screaming and a crowd forming in the middle of the mall and we wondered why. Once we headed to the direction of it all, I saw Ronald Mcdonald dancing and singing. I told my parents, "I'm not going near him at all" and we never did. I'm afraid of clowns and well I have been ever since seeing "IT" for the first time.

Well, that's all for now, so until next time. I'll keep people posted on what happens, as in a new job or not!

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