Monday, October 22, 2012

Time changes everything... (an update)

Last weeks weather was crazy, from 60s to drop down in the 50s and rainy weather. Sunday was the best day, in the high 60s and I even got hot at times being in the car or outdoors just walking to the destinations we were heading to. This week started crappy with rainy weather, but this whole week it will be in the upper 60s and heck even some 70s in the mix. Sad to say and see, that it will be in the 40s this coming weekend. I really hope that changes as we get closer to the weekend, I'm going to be in costume.

Widgets, gadgets.. new sh!tz
So I just recently added new gadgets or widgets on this blog. If you can't tell which they are, but its the Visitors Flag Counter and Total Pageviews. I also added a new feature called Follow by Email, in which you add your email of your liking to it and any new content as in blog post that happens in this blog, it will be sent to your email. If you're on the go, busy, or forgot the link to my blog this feature is for you. I do believe this blog is adapted already to have a simple-er layout for smart phones and the alike already, so you don't need to wait long for it to load on your phone. So enjoy the new gadgets and simple ways to keep up with this blog and my other blog as well.

~There will be a new format for the Movie Reviews! I am still determining what this new format will look like and the content it will have, but there will be a new look/format to the movie reviews, so please do be on a look out for that when I post the next movie review on this blog. Also every time I do post a new movie review, it will quickly be added to the "Movie Reviews" tab above of this blog for future references and such.

Shenanigans, workouts and projects
Well, my Facebook personal page is on lock down. Due to rivalry, of every kind, left and right I can't even say or post anything I like without getting judged somehow. It sucks, but if you're still sticking around, then I appreciate it the most from you! I know I said I wasn't gonna post personal like posts in here anymore, but this one is a must. I guess that's one of the things I need to learn and grow in.. not caring what people say about me, they make their own choices and paths with what they do or say.

With all this mishap happening, I decided to spoil myself with getting a new project going for my room and well get myself some new colors for my nails. I hardly get anything for myself due to bills and the amount of money left over or given, I tend to save up for the upcoming new bills and other personal necessities. So with all the mishaps going on, here's one of the colors:

Sinful colors -- Midnight Blue
And the project I'll be doing very soon is a fun one for me. I always wanted something on my walls and well, with the crappyness that's happening around me.. me and my room deserve to be spoiled. So I decided to get some posters and anything else I can on them to spice them up and show my personality or what I like. So far my Pink Floyd cloth poster is up now, so that is a start. The new project is me making Birds flying wall decals. I've seen some on Esty and well I hate purchasing stuff online, so that's not gonna happen and I brought up to myself to make some of my own under a cheap budget and well hopefully they do last. I will possibly add this projects steps on my other blog, along with a possible list of the materials and well the final product. Hopefully all works well in the end and I like how they come out. Another small project I've been doing is  "30 Day Photo Challenge" project on my Facebook using Instagram. Once I'm completed with that challenge, I might post all of them up on my Digital Blu Facebook page for everyone to see. Here's the list of this challenge:

Well, that's all I got to say. Hopefully this cloudyness over me goes away soon and quickly... or I just might go insane and well, missing.

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