Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thinking outside the box..

Short since nothing new has happened. Sure, weather channel says we'll be getting into the 60s by Thanksgiving, but.. we'll just see if that happens. Stuck in upper 40s, some 50s, and well one or two days in the 60s mid week, but we fall flat back to 30s after the holiday is over.

Tv shows:
Catfish: The Tv Show

I couldn't pass up seeing this show! I was confused at first what it was about and well, as more commercials of it started to appear.. it became more clearer. So I did see the movie he made, Catfish, and I was blown away. I forgot how I saw it, if I looked it up online or Mtv aired it awhile back, but I saw it. Let's just say, if he was around back in the time I was in similar relationships as these people are in, I also would've called onto him for help. I'm just lucky and happy that I struck out in actually getting the people I got via photos to in person and not a 40 year old creepy guy or 15-18 year old kid pulling a prank on me.. for that, I thank my lucky stars on! If you don't understand what I'm talking about, I suggest you seeing this show.. new episodes air on Monday nights on Mtv channel!! I also do recommend seeing his movie, Catfish, before attempting to see the show, but either way.. you'll get the just of what it is all about in either order.

Social Media Sites:

Now mostly everyone by now knows that I have one and if not, go here. That is where I find really funny posts or photos and very relate-able quotes and well I simply just repost them to share to anyone who follows me or checks my tumblr. I also at times type things there, or rant, about certain small issues that cross my path from time to time. I do it there so I won't over-flow nor ever bring them up here on this blog. I hate posting personal rants or so on here and so I won't... ever, again! Anywho, I always see nice questions that I would like to answer, but I know no one would ever ask me in anon, aka anonymous, form or not. With that in mind, I never post them up and well, they will never be answered. Well, I want that to change and I'm not sure in what form to do so.. as in answer them. Here are some samples of questions I bump into there:

I've been thinking of either doing it like I did with my 30 Day Photo Challenge on my Facebook, but I hate spamming my Facebook statuses with stuff like this cause.. no one cares basically. So, backup plan was to answer them only in my Tumblr in the same form as I did with my 30 Day Photo Challenge OR just plainly answer all of them in video form and post the video here on my blog once its complete. Now I'm not even sure why the hell to do all of this if no one, I'm sure, checks this blog out or I got old stalkers/acquaintances checking it out just to see how things have been with me, but yeah. I just might not do this to begin with, but I'm still contemplating on it all. As for my 30 Day Photo Challenge thing, I have finished it and will need some time to figure out how to post it here and if I should post it on my Digital Blu Facebook page too or not. We'll see how things go..

As for this Thursday...

I will be busy as heck once this Holiday and Black Friday rolls around closer and closer, so I will say it early!! I am Thankful for everything and everyone I got in my life and I'm happy for it all and how my life is right now.. for now!

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