Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Movie Review: What Dreams May Come

Synopsis:  "Deceased physician Chris Nielson risks eternal damnation by leaving heaven to save his distraught wife after she commits suicide and ends up in hell".

Experience: I saw this one on Netflix while browsing what they had new in it. Once I read the description, I knew I had to see it or have I seen it? It basically talks about death and how to cope with it. I love how they blended actual artwork into the movie itself, basically bringing the art alive. From death and how to cope with it, to soul mates and the strong bond/connection that they have even after death or during it. The special effects are amazing and phenomenal. I do have to say that have tissues by you, it is a tear jerk-er all the way.
5/5 stars
Preview: Youtube - What Dreams May Come trailer
Links: None.
Side note: This movie review have been added to the "Movie Review" tab above. I saw this movie last summer during my time in Mexico, but I only saw the middle of it. It was seen through Netflix!

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