Saturday, January 23, 2016

Making a Murderer

Ok, this post is only going to be about this show. If you have not seen this show at all, then by all means do not read this post. There's going to be many spoiler alerts especially if you have not seen it and well, I have kept up with almost, it feels like, every article that is out there about it.

Once again, if you have not seen this show [and don't want to or whatever], go here.

Well, if you have seen this show, congrats.. you tortured yourself long enough to not throw something towards your tv screen. My husband and I wanted to just hate everything of it, but sometimes things of this matter do happen and it sucks for the innocent party. We caught each other saying "Are they stupid?" or "The evidence is right there" or lack there of certain type of evidence. I know the purpose of making this documentary was to show that the justice system can be crooked or just not fair for some, but for it to go beyond how it did in this show, it just plain retarded and unfair.. unjust.

The Evidence:

Like, what the hell? Really? Are you serious? Yes, I had to start this topic like that. They had so many of it that proved that it didn't happen, yet still used it against the party. I mean, the blood or nonexistent blood on the bed, never testing the bed mattress for bodily fluids, and even no chains or a rope of some sort for strapping Teresa Halbach to the bed. The key, really? Where are the rest of her keys if that was her car? I'm sure she needed keys to get back into her house and other places she owned or gone to. Along with that just Steve Avery's prints on them, its not possible.. its her keys! Also, finding the key on the 7th roundup of looking for evidence in his house. The bullets found months later, yet there is no evidence of blood on the floor of his garage. There was no other rope or mainly chain grind/friction marks on the bed posts. They also never found the knife that supposedly they used to cut her throat. There have been many people who believe that Steve is innocent that at this very moment, like himself, are trying to find any evidence that was over looked in order for them to reopen his case and have another trial. I did find one particular article that, someone has found new evidence that might be helpful to reopen the case. An Aol article says and shows it quite clearly to everyone about the keys, what I have mentioned earlier before. Hopefully someone finds one evidence that is useful and helpful for his case. Yes, it might seem that I am on his side, but with what I will be talking about next really makes you wonder the opposite or just confused.


There are a lot of "fan" theories out there about who can be the real killer and Avery himself has some ideas as to whom could've killed her. Oddly enough, his theories have brought up some of his own family members into the case. Remember his brother, the one who let the search party for Teresa into the Avery junk yard? He's only seen mainly that one time. What about his other nephew, the one who testified saying he saw the smoke or his own brother-in-law, saying he saw the smoke higher in the air earlier, but then changed his story? Those are only some of the people Steve Avery mentioned himself. Other theories by "fans" added a cult, a next door neighbor, Halbach's own brother and her ex can be suspects. I have found an article that completely goes into detail about all of these theories and others here.

Most of those theories make sense, especially the ex boyfriend, her brother and several of his own family members. Why do I say this? Think about it, Steve was going to get a ton of money from the settlement, his brothers can be awfully jealous.. who wouldn't be in a position like his coming into possession with tons of money and well, knowing he wouldn't share because of knowing your history and how selfish you might be. As for the ex boyfriend and her brother, well its quite obvious that with them trying to crack the code to her voicemail on her phone, they figured that part out, but why to begin with. Did she over hear them saying something that was wrong and was going to happen? What was their motif to even try to hear her voicemail to begin with? At least they admitted in open court about this part. The police can be all in it since they had the time, the DNA mind you, and well they might loose their jobs during this settlement or once it was over and in its last steps. There are some crooked cops out there, its been seen and witnessed by most, but there are some out there that are good to their word and can be trusted as well. Yet with this case crooked cops is written all over it because their lack in doing their job right.

The Motif:

So, lets really start thinking here. What can really be the motif of Steve Avery to kill Teresa Halbach? Did she do something to him in order for him to dislike her that quickly to the point of thinking of how to kill her. We know she didn't like him or felt uncomfortable about him and going to his property, so why not just cancel the meeting or ask someone else to go with her or in her place. I'm sure she felt that way because of his past, which passes judgement on him still looking guilty when he clearly wasn't. If she felt uncomfortable due to him just being in a towel, well anyone would be if they were in that position. Why did his ex-fiance admit now that she was in an abusive relationship with him? She got interviewed by Dateline or an ABC type of show stating that he told her what to say in order for him to look innocent in the documentary. They also had altercations with the cops before all this happened and he was told to stay away from her. I just don't get the point of sticking around that long, playing along and why till now to mention any of this. If you don't like where your relationship is going and know that most of those things are wrong, because of common sense, then leave. If he threatened her for not doing as told, which is what she said he did, then I would get another police department involved or just simply move away after you had enough about abusiveness and lies. The documentary never went into this side of the story for good reasons, but those reasons weren't the real true reason as to why creating a documentary like this to begin with. The reason it was created is to see that there are police departments out there not investigating right and looking at the hard evidence in front of them, convicting actual innocent people and the system is poor and needs to be reexamined and professionally retrained.

I have found many other articles saying so many different theories, stories, and evidence that its hard to dive into them all, but also you do come out of them all even more confused and more on no ones side in this story. Its sad, yes, that a guy got convicted wrongly and his nephew was pulled into this whole mess to end his free life short and behind bars now for life. I'll end this here and leave you guys the rest of the articles that I have found. Don't get too confused now! So, what are your thoughts in all of this? After reading the articles and well, my somewhat review of it all, what do you think about this show and everything in the form of articles coming into light now?

Evidence left out, 7 theories, and Questions remain (video).

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