Movie Review:
"Casa de mi Padre"
So, my parents and I saw this the day after its opening night. I did not pick it to see it nor did I have much interest to see it, so you know how I feel about it a bit already. Its about a character named Armando Alvarez (Will Ferrell) and his family. He is the one who's looked upon as the dumb one in the family, while his brother is the one being praised for saving the family or making it look and be better. Without giving anything or much away, there are turmoils within the family and Armando is the hero to solve them all in the end. To my surprise, this movie was not funny at all. It got 2-3 laughs out of me and well, the rest was just childish "mishaps" and just proceeding with the movie. Take a Spanish soap opera, with some jokes into it, and add it to a big screen....tadaa, you get this movie. Some jokes are obvious that they're funny, others might take a Hispanic (sadly) to only get it, and just don't get at all. This whole movie is, of course, in Spanish with English subtitles, so I'm sure some translations weren't translated right, especially with the jokes. My parents throughout the movie said it was the dumbest one they've seen, cause of some jokes of the quality of some scenes and whatnot. Ironically, there is a moral in this know that small story of "The tortoise and the hare"? One being the slow one and the other being the fast one, but course the slow one wins the race, well...yeah, there's the moral or lesson in this movie. I suggest not to see it, unless you really are a Will Ferrell fan or just want to waste your money on a movie, but yeah...don't, your money is not worth being wasted on it.1 star out of....5? Or even half of one star, yup....sadly. Expect Will Ferrell to be on the Conan Show tonight promoting his movie, so be a judge for yourself.
Well, the weather has been quite nice around here....record highs even. We've hit the 80s, well, lower 80s since the weekend and until now. We will be getting rain by the end of the week into the weekend, so I'm sure it will lower the temps a bit to 60s or 70s. We shall see what happens.
School loans and whatnot...
I recently came upon this link and site through a friend posting it on Facebook. I signed it cause I am need of help with mine. I'm sure everyone who has a school loans needs help with theirs. I will share a remark I read somewhere about this link:
"No denying the price of an education is outrageously expensive. However I crerated my student loan debt in my pursuit of higher education. I signed the documents knowling I had to repay it, as did all others. I am responsible for my debt and it is my job to pay it off. folks need to look at their spending and put meeting financial obligations ahead of iphones, ipads, data plans, dinner out 4 nights a week, etc. Sorry this struck me the wrong way after reading a Bill Cosby piece tooday called 'I'm Tired'".
1.) I really like your grammar in this FB comment, and 2) My response to this crappy comment:
"I like how some people are trying to show that they can pay their loans and know they got debt. Very proud of you *sarcasm*, but others don't have the luxury of a good job that came with the price of the loan/education aka we did NOT get the job we wanted or needed with the education we got. Just cause some people have the money, it doesn't mean we ALL have the money to pay it back. Many of us who are signing this petition and others like it and well just support it is cause we do need the help in it and are either currently unemployed or have a job that well isn't involved with the degree we got from the expensive education we had/got. Don't bother being a prick saying you knew your responsibilities when you signed for the loan and all, we don't care. We care for our own ordeals and need help with them. Don't bother being a smart ass!! I'm sure plenty of other people will agree with this petition cause they are struggling, in one way or another with the school loans. I pay mine, I don't spend my money on "crap" or "luxury items"(ipods/ipads/etc), and know how to manage my money pretty well. >_> Please sign this petition if you know how it feels to struggle with loans; please sign even if you don't owe would help us who do need some help!!! Thanks!!"
It sickened me when this individual added that type of comment for a petition that will actually help others who need the help. Did I sign it? Yes I did and if you know how it feels to struggle with loans or struggling with money, in general, then I think you should sign it as well. No I am not putting my views on your nor would I like to, but its your choice and if you like to help, this is the way to do it. Please sign it and pass it on, even post it to your Facebook!!
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