Monday, August 21, 2017

The ends are near

Well, as usual, the weather here is always, hot. We don't get any rainy weather and when we do, it doesn't last long. We have gotten some rain within the last month or so, but it didn't stick too long. We will see in the months ahead, in Fall and Winter times. Today, I hope everyone who wanted to witness the Total Eclipse was able to in the safest way possible of course. I was stuck at work and possibly saw it for a brief moment, of it not being too bright out, but it is not the same. CNN was advertising it on their site and I saw it that way.

Twin Peaks

I have been seeing this since it started and yes, it has me in hell. You don't get the answers in any of the episodes until well, now. Maybe after episode 10 we have gotten some concrete answers and lots of mystery here and there. All I say is this, I bet you Agent Dale Cooper will come back to himself either with: 1) His favorite gum comes back in style 5 minutes before the show ends in the last episode or 2) Mr. C dies by the man in the green glove giving him a duel and out comes Dale Cooper. Many people think that Richard is Mr.C's and Audrey's son, while Audrey was in a coma and others think that Dale Cooper will come back when he finally eats a piece of pie. So many of the small clues that the Fireman/????/Giant gave to Cooper have already happened, if not almost there, so we don't have much to put together. The only thing that needs to be put together is this Linda, Tina, Billy and Richard deal together. Also maybe Sarah Palmer is a Doppelganger as well and "Mother" has the real Sarah Palmer stashed somewhere in her house or even in the Red Room. Who knows, but I also hope the side stories come to a close as well. We only have three episodes left in this one.

Game of Thrones
Yes, we have been keeping up with this as well. So far, all the battle scenes have been great, but are they the true answers to everything that's happening? Not really. Mother of Dragons, according to my husband, shouldn't have gone to war. It maybe the right thing to do, but not in the political stance. I just believe that Cersei Lannister is stupid and if her brother, Jaime, gets captured she would not care to rescue him and only is now pregnant to keep him locked up somehow. I am not sure in which direction this show will go. Possibly Lannister will fall and then we would have to see the battle of the century with Jon Snow and Daenerys/Mother of Dragons at the end of it all. You basically got 4 groups: Snow group, Daenerys group, Lannister group, and The Nights King group. I do believe we have only two episodes left if not one. 

Orphan Black
Yes, I have only been keeping up with this one. There were lots of plot twists and turns and it is getting very interesting. So many characters have died already and hopefully, the ones that do matter do stay alive. I am unclear as to how many episodes are left in this show, but this is the last season and it won't return. 

Two-faced and backstabbing
You know, I at least know the definitions of these two terms. Many people like to throw them out there like nothing and thinking they know what they mean. I have shared my times of having such individuals face me being in these masks and I have forgiven them along the way. I won't forgive the individuals that have done it twice to me. Fool me once, shame on them, fool me twice shame on me. I have learned my lessons with such situations and individuals. I will treat you like you don't exist, but if you are going to mock me or talk behind my back while you are near me, then I will play the same card with you. I will play your game back at you! Don't go crawling to a superior or others to make them like you and just chat with you, karma will play its card there and soon enough it will break you and come back to haunt you. It already is playing the card in my favor, but don't you push it more for your advantage... it won't work. I have a higher card in this game of yours and people are behind me this round. Don't be a child and say you will stay away or ignore the HS drama that occurs in front of you, you don't fool any of us. We know you are nosey and will always be that way. Most of us already know how you play and we won't tolerate it because we know your game. I'll wait to see what card you will play next, just like a Magic the Gathering game. Just know that nothing you are doing, work related or not, talking with others or not, will not help. Bless your little heart and soul as well!! I'd say keep to yourself and don't cause anymore mayhem for yourself cause it will backfire for you. Just you wait! For now, I will keep to myself and be spoken to people who actually like my company and soul.

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