Sunday, February 3, 2019

Pump it up!

Well ironically enough we have been having bipolar weather here. Some days 50s, others 40s with cold winds and today it was sunny and in the 70s. I believe tomorrow it will rain and go back to the 50s and even colder by the weekend. I blame the winter weather happening in the northern states. Yes, my family is finally getting snow. Go figure huh! **Update: Since I wrote this a lot of changes in the weather happened. Not only in Texas, but also in Illinois. My family finally did get snow, yes, but not only that but very harsh winds and it went below zero, to negative 27 degrees and feeling or actually feeling negative 17 degrees. The state declared to tell everyone to stay home and if you needed to work then be careful being outdoors and do not talk. I think I have never had to experience that, but only heard of it since I left and I think it has occurred twice since I left my hometown. My family is ok and they did stay home from work and I am glad.**

"But I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more"
No copyright infringement intended there! Well we are getting there at least, but that's a lot of walking. So far, we have been staying in 2 1/2 miles, give or take a little. We decided to add a mile once we complete a week with the same miles. It feels nice after the walk because it seems we can do more, but the sun doesn't stay too long for us to continue and our dogs, Ok one dog... Puppy, tend to stop at every pole sign or fire hydrant, but what can you do. So we will continue to do this until we can manage to jog and then eventually run. 

We have also decided to cut back on ordering out or buying food from restaurants and also eating healthy. Now, anyone who knows me or has been around me growing up I am very very picky and don't like healthy things or vegetables. I have grown to enjoy certain vegetables now and adapted myself to with some since my husband, Eric, knows what I like and don't like. Oddly enough he has found ways to add those veggies that I don't like in dishes he created from scratch or let me have my glory of making them into bigger chunks for me to remove them in my time. But back to the topic at hand, we have found other things to cut back in and add into our eating habits for them to be healthier. We never thought they would taste yummy or come out great, but you just need to try them out and see. Ironically I read an article on CNN stating that its not the exercise you need to worry about to loose weight, as my husband is trying to do to get healthy, but its the food you consume. Found this article right around the time that we started and decided to get healthy and be healthy for the new year. One thing that was a big hit for us was Cauliflower rice. Google it and it has been a replacement for us for actual rice, something we both miss dearly, but its for the best. 

We both have goals for this new year. I'm sure some were mentioned or heck, even talked about in the last blog post I did here not that long ago. Yes, one goal is to actually get healthy, exercise, run, and basically be more active. Another goal for both of us is to be more social. Between both of us, I am the more social person, who likes to go out to stores and just be out and have fun and not be stuck indoors. Eric, on the other hand, is a homebody and can just stay home and play video games all day. We both need to become more social and the only way to do so is to go out or have date nights with friends or just have game board nights with friends. Sometimes some people just can't commit to meetings that were planned and I have been through that or knew of such meetings and never was invited. It sucks, yes I know, but now I believe we both have friends that can keep these commitments and heck even make plans thinking of us or just without a second thought invite us right away. So I do believe we have this goal already in great progress with the new friends that maybe soon enough can call family if not already there.

Another goal of ours is traveling. We already have several planned out for the first half of the year. As always we made it a tradition to go to C2E2 in Chicago and we have already booked all for it. Within that goal, for me, I will take more photos of cosplayers and hopefully they turn out great this time. We do have another convention to go to in June with friends and we will make it as a tourist type of mini vacation as well, with all of them. I also believe they have planned another outing with them, of the camping type. I never have done camping cause of the fear of bears and well bugs, mainly all due to my parents. I really don't mind experiencing an event of that sorts once in my life and then I can just take it off my bucket list or just be able to say that I have done it to someone else. Well at least that won't be a goal that's broken or can't be done since there's already steps or plans happening. Another goal of mine, with the help of my husband, is to organize and decorate my house to my liking in which is already also in progress. Being active & eating healthy, traveling, being social with game nights/study groups/vacations, organization and so much more that I'm sure I can't even remember are things being written for us and need to be planned and they are in progress.

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