Well, our weather has been crazy here. We have been in the 70s to back to the 50s and this coming week we will get a big cold front. I think its predicted that it will feel like we're in the 20s, but actually in the 30s or 40s in the mornings. This is affecting all of us with our health cause of this crazy weather and its annoying since we haven't been able to exercise like we planned to daily outdoors. I have other things being left on hold or postponed due to the weather, which really is annoying. Hope we can make it through this week and even though I am from the North where there is always cold weather, no I shouldn't be used to it.
Journal Prompts
One of my goals or just hobbies is to pick up where I left off with my writing. I love it, but hate reading. Ironic right? I have pushed myself to reading as much as I could, but just the fact of making myself push to read is what kills it for me. If I have to force myself to do something that I don't enjoy or can't dive into it on my own, then it won't work out for me. Its how it works with me, plain and simple. So, I decided to find a way to write again and use my brain while I'm at work. As sad as it may sound, I don't do anything at work. I hardly get any calls or just don't get any period. When I try to make calls, it gets taken away from me or people judge the way I do the task or how many I do. But back to the topic at hand. I want to get back to writing and I figured to find ways, simple and small ways to dive back into it besides writing in my blog here. I found some monthly questions in my pinterest account that do make you think of things you never think of asking yourself. I was just trying to put a photo here of the writing prompts, but my tablet is limited. So instead I decided to give you a link, just click here and you will see the questions for each month. Once I complete this by the end of March, I will upload my answers, but I am contemplating on that. I will do it every 2 months. So one hobby is being picked up again and hopefully by the time I have an idea on a short story then, I may have an editor.
Workouts and Exercise
Due to the weather, like I mentioned above, we haven't been able to be active. We did want to walk daily after work around the our neighborhood and did it for a month if not more, but the weather ruined that for us. I am also self conscious about myself and with an innocent conversation at work and a statement that, "either you have a chest or a butt" and that got me to thinking of needing to work on myself since I don't have either. Saying a statement of that sorts may not be hurtful, but can make someone think. So I decided to work on myself. I found some workouts I can do while sitting a work since I hardly do anything there. Those exercises I found on my pinterest account. Most of those exercises are for the legs and one for the butt. Another exercise app I just downloaded is called Keep or K. I just did one session based on some of their questions that it asked me and it was only 18 minutes, but it did get me to gain sweat. I might need to do this more often, since it only takes 18 minutes of your day to do the workouts. I might also add more as well. We did decide to get a treadmill, but we might hold off on that. So this is one thing is going to continue and we shall see how it works out for me for now.
I will keep this part short, but I am trying to at least have one if not 2 events each month for me to go to for photography. I need to practice some more and find a way to get my name out there and get something going for me to get a business started and finally leave the job I am in currently. I hardly do anything there and it seems that my mind is slowly dying due to boredomness. So far, I have 3 events in my calendar that I'm confirmed to attend due to tickets already bought. One of those events is free to attend and you don't need to purchase tickets. The free events re car show and the alike that I can take photos of. I have placed placeholders of these events on my Facebook page and will continue to do so when I will attend an event around me. I think for now this is the best update from me you will get, but keep coming back for new stuff. I was going to try something new here, but I still need to figure something out with it. I also want to start a vlog or podcast of some sorts cause I just need some stuff to do once my projects around the house that I got planned are done.
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