Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The endearing revival of a classic!

So, this blog post is dedicated to.. you guessed it, The X-Files! If there is any fan out there reading this, well, welcome!! As of 3/24/2015 we all got or heard the news that FOX has finally got to their senses of reviving this show in some shape or form. Whatever shape or form it is, we the fans, will take it with open arms. Sure, we wanted another movie and yes we heard of it coming back with different cast members and Mulder and Scully doing cameos in a new version of The X-Files and yes, we did get the show back in a completely different format- comic books, but deep down inside of all us Xphiles.. it wasn't the same. We knew, or some of us, that remaking the show wasn't gonna cut it due to it not being the same actors and many different elements being changed in it, so it wasn't going to please us 100% and we would've found issues and done complaints via the internet. So, what I'm getting at, is that we are going to be happy with this revival... this beautiful reunion between our beloved characters, Agent Fox Mulder and Agent Dana Scully. Now, you must be asking yourself, why make a post about this if there's many sites already announcing the same thing. Well, lets start shall we, or I mean me.

The Ending 
We were left off with Mulder and Scully being in New Mexico due to Mulder getting a tip of an old wise man knowing about the future and how it was going to end. The old wise man turned out to be The Cigarette Smoking Man and ironically Smoking Man dying in his hideout. Mulder and Scully surviving the explosion and driving to a hotel room and just talk. Mulders last words to Scully were:
"that the dead are not lost to us. That they speak to us as part of something greater than us—greater than any alien force. And if you and I are powerless now, I want to believe that if we listen to what's speaking, it can give us the power to save ourselves. Maybe there's hope."
What they both discover with Smoking Man is that the world would end in 12/22/2012 and the colonization will begin with the new alien race, a new age. Of course, the episode ends that way, both being in their hotel bed and caressing each other. 6 years later, we did receive the movie "The X-Files: I Want to Believe", but it had no relation to the shows ending. It was a stand alone episode in the big screen, which is what Chris Carter wanted for new people to draw into the phenomena and the old fans to enjoy seeing their beloved characters again and on the big screen. It didn't seem to go well with the variety of the people, due to the box office numbers aka money. Alas, we got another movie and opportunity to see our characters again, along with the plot of the movie being bizarre and out of this world.. like any other X-Files episode of course. If you haven't seen the movie, go ahead and do so, but if you're not into gross out things of beheading and the alike, then don't and if you were looking into seeing what occurred after the last episode then don't bother as I stated earlier. The movie has no relation to the shows ending.

So, where does that leave us again? We need to find William of course and see if the world ended or how to explain that it didn't end. Last we saw of William was being given to adoption to protect him and his life (Season 9: Episode 9 Provenance & 10  Providence). In the comic book version of the show titled, "The X-Files season 10" by IDW,  the first 5 comics talk about their son and a new race of aliens called The Acolytes and how they're a reminder of the shape shifter aliens we have met before, but with new "powers". I don't want to reveal too much of this part, due to if anyone hasn't read or had the time to read the comics. Let's just say, it didn't end well and we're on square one again.

My prediction or view on what's going to occur in the 6 episode revival is that, I hope, we finally get to see William reunited with his parents unharmed. Some loose ends should finally be tied with a resolution, besides the William story of course, like of the colonization and the new alien race and the world not ending. At least seeing a glimpse of Agent Doggett and Agent Reyes being somewhat part of all this since they were dragged into it. But, how will they be able to pull it off with just 6 episodes? Will they automatically jump into it with Mulder and Scully stepping foot into their old trashed office again, in the basement, or will they be given separate desks or any desks at all like in The X-Files: I Want to Believe movie or did Skinner hear about their child being in trouble in some way, without any of them knowing its their kid they're investigating in a bizarre case? There are so many different ways they can start the show again. Let me recap that part:

Ways of how the shows revival can start:

  • A bizarre case of a teenager being given to Skinner, hence The X-Files being reopened and linked to their missing child
  • Mulder and Scully find clues of their childs' whereabouts and needing the FBI's help, hence them returning to The X-files
  • Two new pair of agents receive a case with bizarre situations that lead into the whereabouts of Mulder and Scullys child
  • The Acolytes being introduced and trying to take over the world
  • Mulder receiving another tip of The Acolytes, that give him clues of his child's whererabouts and Mulder needing Scully's help
  • Recapping what occurred during the 6 year MIA of the agents and the end of the world, in the sense of flashbacks
  • Flashbacks of the whereabouts of William that lead to the present day, being with his parents
My mind can continue with many more ideas into how they can jump into the series again, but for sure in my opinion, they should explain where William  has been and what occurred to him along with the world ending explanation. Overall, I am very excited for it to be revived and cannot wait until they start airing what they got in store for all of us. So we all got to do is wait, believe, and be patient. What ideas do you have that you like to see happening or what plots do you want them to dive into? Let's make this a discussion, shall we.

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